1:1 Transference Healing®
Transference Healing® does not diagnose a condition by analysing the symptoms
of dis-ease. It looks deep within the etheric patterning of the body and is read with psychic perception.
By tapping into these inner dimensions of your body and consciousness, insight is gained into your healing and ascension journey. Universal resources are channelled to facilitate a divinely orchestrated healing to support your own enlightenment process.
Without physical contact, earth and cosmic frequencies are channelled into your body, mind and soul to help release old restrictive patterns. This creates alchemical changes with your DNA, lifting your vibration allowing space for growth and transformation whilst opening your beautiful heart.
A psychic ‘reading’ will be given to you at the end of each session, supported by divination tools within the procedures.
As Transference Healing® is a frequency-healing modality that works with matter and light, there is no need for physical contact during the session. As such, absentee or ‘distant’ healing sessions are equally effective from the comfort of your sacred space in any location worldwide.
It is suitable for the support of all ages, conditions or needs relating to healing, personal growth, self-mastery and spiritual empowerment.
At this time of great change, it is recommended you have a full Advanced Level Transference Healing® session every six weeks until you are mastering more in all aspects of life, from health to the dynamics of your personal reality. For those who
are struggling with their health, wellbeing or ascension process, weekly or fortnightly healings are recommended until balance is achieved, after which you can return to healings every six weeks, or as you feel guided.
Bathe in a profound and unique healing experience that supports your ascension process, spiritual growth, optimises your health, well-being and empowers your life.
Both 'Absentee' and 'In Person' Transference Healing® sessions include:
50 - 60 minutes 7th dimensional alchemical & lightbody frequency-healing
20 - 30 minutes psychic reading of what came through for you during your healing
15ml bottle crystal Lightbody Essence to support your healing
Allow 90 minutes for your transformative healing experience.
1:1 Transference Healing® session
Fee: £144.00
In Person
1:1 Transference Healing® session
Fee: £144.00
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